Friday, June 27, 2008

I Owe Myself

I owe myself a blog about that thankful and lifechanging day wherein I was spared from being in the Glorietta Mall explosion.

Random Thought in the Car

Isn't weird and fascinating how there are so many parts of us, so many sides to ourselves that sometimes you wish you could just be one whole person, integrating all these little pieces of you? Maybe that is what life is about, integrating all the parts, deciding which parts to keep, hone and let go. But sometimes it just amazes and confounds me how there are so many parts of me, different sides of me which I become and show in front of different people. There are some parts which I have even forgotten and am now only rediscovering. And I wish I could bring all them together into one whole person that is me.

Random Thought on the Way Home

Wow, it has been such a long time since I've last blogged. A particular event occurred today that kinda made me want to blog. It wasn't anything extraordinary but given the circumstances, I guess it was pretty special. On the way to the car, an old friend of mine, a high school classmate called my name out. It wasn't the fact that she called my attention that was special, it was more of the way she called my name. She sounded pleasantly surprised, very happy and almost excited and that's what made the difference. It caught me by surprise because I wasn't particularly close to her or anything, in fact I thought that maybe she found me pretty odd in the sense that she saw me as a nerd or something like that. Anyway, the way she called my name out, the enthusiasm in the sound of her voice kinda made my day. It was indeed a pleasant surprise. I've been having a kind of "emo" day, I've kinda been feeling down lately...more of feeling lonely. Today feelings of apprehension and sadness dwelt inside me again...fears of being alone, being left behind. I was thinking about graduation, how fast it is approaching, it never really occurred to me that college life will be over soon. I guess I never really thought about it. Moving on again to a whole new chapter of life, the difference this time for me is I am more attached to the people I've met, the friends I've made and I am hoping that we'd still see each other, hang out like the old days even after college. The thing is we won't get to hang out the way we do now, we'd all be "all grown up" soon, busy with careers and all that stuff. Now it seems as if the things we do now are easier. Anyway, it is in this context that running into Marla made my day. It was nice having someone from high school say hi to me like that after all these years. And that's what made me decide to blog, I wanted to share the experience...(and I wanted to get into the writing mode for my history reflection paper, hehe!) and I guess it's a way for me to let the sadness inside of me out, man I wish this depression would go away, I just want to be normal...(but what is normal anyway?)...Anyway, that's it for now. Oh yeah, I was kinda thinking if I said hi to Marla in an enthusiastic enough way given that she made me feel good today, I was thinking maybe I should've smiled more widely or waved more emphatically. Anyway, this blog's a thank you to her as well and a thank you to all my friends who are very special to me, you guys know who you are..but I feel like mentioning you anyway, hehe...Isabela, Aileen, Hans...while I'm at it I'll mention my family as well, my mom, Kaye and Cha. (Man, what is it with me these days, I want to stop being so sentimental!..hehehe...)

Random Thought in the Car

Isn't weird and fascinating how there are so many parts of us, so many sides to ourselves that sometimes you wish you could just be one whole person, integrating all these little pieces of you? Maybe that is what life is about, integrating all the parts, deciding which parts to keep, hone and let go. But sometimes it just amazes and confounds me how there are so many parts of me, different sides of me which I become and show in front of different people. There are some parts which I have even forgotten and am now only rediscovering. And I wish I could bring all them together into one whole person that is me.