Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feeling Good

Been feeling bad lately...terrible is more like it...don't know why, just been real tired and stressed. But I felt good a while ago. I felt kinda from having to get high grades, because a part of me truly felt that grades don't measure my capabilities. For the first time in a long time, I enjoyed learning again and forgot about grades. It just felt nice.

Back to work now. Two more thesis statements to go.... =p

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Clark and Lana

I just watched Smallville. The episode just put me on a rush (ask Cha, I couldn't stop talking). I'm full of energy right now but I'm gonna sleep in a while. I just wanted to note how good the episode made me feel. It put me on a high. I loved the ending. Clark and Lana on the rooftop of the Daily Planet, beautiful scene.

Line of the night: There's never been anything normal between us.

Gonna try to get some sleep now. Still on a high. =)

Thanks Lord.

My first entry for February, about love, Clark and Lana...hehe..
This episode, Power, helped me forget about my disappointment in my History class.