Monday, December 31, 2012


I remember telling myself in 2011 that 2012 was going to be my year. Well, to some extent it technically was, I’m a Dragon! :p …but yeah, I’ll remember 2012 as the year I actually fought for my passions and dreams.

2 big things:
San Antonio - first Spurs and Silver Stars game; met Becky Hammon
Glasgow - first time on my own; new country; MSc Psychological Studies

Thank you Lord - “Papa”, “Pop” - as I like to call You. You are my rock and my salvation. All of this is from You. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

Thanks to my family and friends - for being there and for putting up with me. It may not always be obvious, but you guys know that I love you.

Let’s all keep growing. AMDG.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

One of those things

Can't believe it's my first post (in here) for 2012. I could say, I've been rather busy "living" 2012, and use that as an excuse. But that's partially true.

Anyway, I don't want to go off-tangent - which I could easily do.

I got a haircut today. And Kylie, my hair stylist - I think she'll be my new hair stylist, at least while I'm here, oceans away from Angelo - mentions "Mumford & Sons" and "banjo". Somehow, something clicked. That might lead me to "that song" I was looking for.

Christmas Eve 2012

I was in Edinburgh, spending a day with myself - my first Christmas Eve away from family and friends.

There's a flying swing ride at the Christmas Market (i.e. like E.K.'s "Flying Fiesta"). It was one of the first things I passed and noticed on my way in. Thought it might be nice to ride it, but then thought twice about spending GBP 4. So, I just kept walking - ate, played a game, bought a hat.

It got dark early - unsurprisingly, given it was winter. Starts to drizzle. I pass the swings. Edinburgh's evening lights were beautiful. Something in me pulls me to go for the ride. I make an instantaneous decision to go for it - impulsive, carefree.

That was "a" moment. Could have been the lights; the beautiful evening view of Edinburgh's Princes Street; the wind, accompanied by light rain, blowing through my face; the homey, country, acoustic song in the background; the split-second decision I had previously made.

That was the moment I greeted myself "Merry Christmas". I was alone - physically away from family and friends - but I was in solitude with myself. Felt a sense of freedom, accomplishment, a moment of contentment - nothing mattered, I was "mindful" of my worries, but I was just "there", in the moment.

Haven't felt that way since I played my first basketball game six years ago.


Boxing Day 2012

I was at one of the shops along Buchanan Street. I hear a familiar tune. It was "the song". I smile. I listen to the lyrics. Called upon my normally good memory to remember a few lines so I could search for the song later on. I just wanted to enjoy the song - recalling my moment in Edinburgh.

Got home. Memory failed me. Couldn't even remember the tune. But I know that when I hear it, if I ever hear it again, I'd recognize it. But what were the chances of that? Gave it up and went to bed - thinking I'd never figure out what song that was.


29 December

Kylie asks - for the second time; perhaps she forgot my answer - what type of music I like. I say, "Alternative, mostly. You know, The Script?"

She says yeah and nods her head. Kylie mentions Mumford & Sons and asks if I know them. I tell her I don't, although I might have heard, without really knowing. She mentions "banjo". Something clicks. She tells me that she's done some backstage work for them and for some other artists.

Home. I type "Mumford & Sons" on YouTube. Searchbox recommends "I Will Wait". I find my song.


It's one of those things. A simple thing, yet extremely meaningful.

Makes you think of fate; serendipity; moments; meanings. Somehow things fall into place. Somehow things come full circle. Somehow things always make sense - sometimes sooner rather than later, although most often the latter.

Makes my first haircut in Glasgow more memorable.

Reminds me of the beauty of moments in life.

I've had a lot of moments in 2012. Let's have and make more in 2013.
