Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Your Score: House Tully

36% Dominant, 63% Extroverted, 72% Trustworthy

Dutiful. Affable. Total doormats. The kindest and gentlest of the houses, you are of House Tully.

You are a submissive personality, meaning that ruling is not something that intrigues you. You posses an odd kind of wisdom in knowing that the throne has too many drawbacks; your interests are far more domestic. You are no threat to the ruling powers, but your strong loyalties to hearth and home make you too difficult to be bought--and if you can’t be bought, you’re usually destroyed.

You are also introverted. You don’t enjoy broadcasting your devices and ambitions to the entire world; instead, you prefer to confide in a close-knit support system of friends and family. You’re very talkative with those you trust, and you’re the type of person who will review plans endlessly. Trust from you must be earned, and you’re very cautious around new people. In Westeros, that’s probably a good thing.

Perhaps most notably, you are trustworthy. Once you are connected to someone, you will stick with them, come Hell or high water. Your loyalties run very deep, and you’re definitely not the type to run willy-nilly betraying friends and destroying alliances. Unfortunately, you lack both the physical strength and the cojones to stand up to those who do you wrong. To those seeking power, you’re an obstacle--but a lawn mower doesn’t fear the garden gnome. Lions, dragons, and krakens all eat fish like you for breakfast.

Representative characters include: Catelyn Stark, Edmure Tully, and Brynden "Blackfish" Tully

Similar Houses: Stark, Targaryen, and Tyrell

Opposite House: Greyjoy

When playing the game of thrones, you play it as best you can, even when your best isn’t good enough.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 0% on Dominance
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You scored higher than 0% on Extroversion
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You scored higher than 0% on Trustworthiness

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Fun Night

Have you heard of Jonathan Badon and Ana Feleo? My family and I attended this concert at the St. Francis Church Auditorium last Saturday. At first I was hesitant to go since I was kinda sick and the concert was a classical music type of thing and I didn't know who Jonathan Badon was. But then as I watched the show, I found myself actually enjoying it.

The singers were great. I mean, really great. Jonathan Badon is known as "The Josh Groban of the Philippines" and personally I never really liked Josh Groban. But Jonathan made me like Josh Groban's songs, he was such a great singer. He was also referred to as "The Philippines' Favorite Tenor", he's certainly my fave tenor right now. Ana Feleo was great as well, she's a soprano. They made me an instant fan of classical music.

The concert was kinda like a fund-raising for the St. Francis Church and it was sort of organized by the CWL (Catholic Women's League), of which my grandma is a member of. The CWL members and the performers were invited to dinner at our place so they all came after the show. I was pretty excited to have Mr.Badon and Ms.Feleo over and we (me, my sis, friend and cousins) all wanted pictures with them. I don't have a copy of the pictures yet but I hope to have them soon. It just kinda sucks that we only got a picture with Jonathan. We didn't get a picture with Ana Feleo. I hope I can get a pic with her some time. I mean I felt real bad that I didn't get a picture with her. I hope she didn't think that we just liked Jonathan because they're both real excellent singers and I liked her too.

I wonder why they're not that famous yet. They were really good. They're both very talented. I hope to buy a copy of their CD (I'm not sure if they have one yet) and I might try and catch their future shows.

I just really enjoyed their show. The choir that sang was cool as well, though I kinda forgot their name. I hope this kinda helps promoting all of them (Jonathan Badon, Ana Feleo and the choir) because I believe that they deserve to be really recognized for their talent.

** Cocoy Laurel also performed and he came over as well. We got a picture with him. He was good too.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I just feel real thankful right now. I mean I just had another answered prayer, although it wasn't really a big prayer or anything...nevertheless, it's just a great feeling. Last night, I was kinda thinking about money...I mean, for personal reasons, my dad hasn't been able to send me and my sis our weekly allowance and I don't expect he'll be sending it any soon. It's also my sem break so my grandma is not really obligated to give me my school allowance and so I'm kinda low on finances right now (I don't have load for example...)

I'm planning on going out this Friday with a couple of friends to relax and run some errands as well. And so I thought about the money I had. I have a few hundred bucks so I think I can afford to watch a movie or so. But then I kinda thought about things in the long run, as in my entire sem break and when school starts again. I kinda worried because I don't think I'll be able to save money since my dad hasn't been sending my allowance. I just try to make my allowance from my grandma fit. And so I thought of getting a job, like asking my uncle or aunt for a job in their laundry...but then the thoughts just kinda drifted away (I'm not sure if I fell asleep already...)

I was praying actually, recapping my day, giving thanks because I think I finally got rid of the virus in my computer and laptop. And then I said that maybe God will take care of this money problem for me. I mean, I was a bit worried about my finances but it wasn't that big of a deal for now...I just wanted to kinda enjoy my break and worry about the whole thing some other time.

Well, just this morning (or afternoon), as I was eating lunch with my mom and grandma, my grandma told me to stay after lunch 'coz she was gonna give me some money. I just smiled and I remembered the things I was thinking about the night before and I remembered my prayer as well. It's just a real nice feeling. It's like God just really works things out for you. I mean this isn't the only time that He has done something like this for me (and for other people, I'm sure)...it's just great to know that I have a Father up there looking out for me, listening even to my tiniest worries, despite my failings and unworthiness.

It just feels so good. So good that I finally decided to write about it here (I don't usually blog, this is my first personal blog). I guess I just wanted to praise Him, thank Him and kinda let other people know how great He is. I mean, sure I was worrying about money but it wasn't even really a big deal for me at the time. It was not a major issue, it was more of a little side-note or something. But the fact that it was just a tiny worry and that it was just something that crossed my mind at that time...I think this just made the whole thing so unexpected and so I feel even more grateful.

I just don't really know how to express it. It's just really a great feeling. Thanks Lord!

** By the way, another thing that makes this blessing special is the fact that I was feeling pretty bad lately, I did some bad things...but despite that God still blessed me. I mean, more and more I experience His Goodness and Faithfulness. Thanks again Lord! Thank you so much!