Thursday, August 8, 2013


Without sounding conceited, I think I'm a pretty nice person. That's not to say that I don't act like a jerk every now and then, because I know how difficult and mean I can be as well. But that's not the point of this entry.

People say to me "You're so nice". Because I'm not used to compliments, I kind of shy away and say "No, I'm not.", "Not really.", or just smile and remain silent.

If someone would ask me why I'm so nice, I'd like to say that it's because of all the other nice people in my life, who teach me how to be nice, give me their time, and shower me with unexpected love, care, and kindness.

One of the things I hope for is to pay that forward. To be that same nice, kind, caring, and loving person to others.

To all the nice people in my life. This is for you. I hope you know who you are. Thank you.

** Would just like to specially mention Clark, Sir Andrew Soh, Sir Carmelo Lopez, Kat, Bridge. **

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