Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday Thoughts

I'm pretty sleepy already but I told myself that I would blog today, so here's to keeping that promise.

It's funny how I started this day sleepy, I woke up early to attend mass, and now I'm back to feeling sleepy again...hehe! Because I started the day early, I felt pretty bogged down during the day, kinda sheepish and hazy. The day was just kinda passing by rather quickly...I wasn't even noticing it. It was only during the latter part of the evening that I started absorbing the entire day. It kinda started with Ai asked me how my birthday was, I of course told her it was a sleepy day. Then I started to think about my day, the greetings were all nice; they made me smile (the award for best birthday greeting goes to Irrisse for her "musical" greeting, hehe...) but it is only now that the meaning and signifance of the greetings are sinking in. It's quite overwhelming actually, maybe this is just me being sentimental again, but it feels nice to be remembered. I'd like to thank those people who greeted me but whom I didn't expect to greet me, they were a nice surprise (Sam, Pat, Casey, April). I really appreciate the phone call from Karla as well. And of course to my family and friends who made this day special. I'd like to mention how my mom kissed and greeted me this morning while we were walking to church, it was sweet and nice. Oh yeah and how Kei greeted me half-asleep, hahaha! And Cha's funny birthday song.

(It just really cracks me up so I'd like to mention it here, I'm pretty awake now thanks to my embarrassing moment with April V. I think she and my cousin Thalia greeted me at the same time through YM but I only read Thalia's name so I replied to her message thinking that I was replying to Thalia; I called her dude and gave her a hug, she replied with a smile. But I was startled when I saw her name in the window. She might've thought that was weird so I apologized and explained. I was pretty embarrassed so the whole thing kinda shook me up and now I am less sleepy)

Going back to sentimental moment, it just really felt nice having all these people greet me, it made my day special. The dinner with my family was nice too. It was real fun playing and talking with Juliane. She's so cute and grown up already. The food was real good, I feel like I could have finished everything but I didn't want to stuff myself too much...it makes me look forward to breakfast tomorrow. I also have a lot of sweets (cakes, fruit salad, pastries, ice cream)...I love sweets. Thanks for the pastries JT! Ducky for the cake, Tita Heidi, Tito Tic and Juliane for the other cake, mom for the fruit salad and cupcakes!

Well, I wish I could say more...but apparently I can't put into words the joy that I feel right now...I just feel real nice...or maybe I am just tired and sleepy that's why I can't think clearly anymore. I feel like I still want to say more things (I feel so inarticulate right now and I think this blog is not exactly my best composition, I guess this would be what I would call real random thoughts)

i.e. I told myself I wouldn't work tonight and that felt nice. It's my special day, why stress myself? I think I'll need my rest for tomorrow when I hopefully write my history paper...arg...

So thanks everyone for making my day special. My day didn't start so great, I mean it started normally and sleepy but it eventually got special. It was indeed a fun and nice celebration with the family...so that was special.

I can't wait to celebrate with my friends, I'll treat you guys soon.

Note: I finally got my creative zen, thanks dad, I was supposed to charge it tonight but I think I'll just charge it tom.

Thanks again everyone. It was a nice and special twenteenth birthday.

By the way, I still don't feel like I'm twenty, I still feel like I'm nineteen...I don't feel old enough yet..hehe!


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