Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Good Day

I had a good day today.

I woke up pretty late, I should've gotten out of bed before 8am to take my medicine but I couldn't. Got up a bit past 9. Ate breakfast with Ate Nic.

I did my laundry. I was home alone for several hours.

Ate lunch - reheated the yummy beefsteak (I finished it already) and the yummy banana concoction. Talked to Jel while eating.

Finished checking a couple of DVDs.

Spent time with a good friend. Brian swung by 5:30-5:45-ish. Took me to Giordano's for dinner. We almost finished the 14" thin crust cheese pizza (only left 2 pieces). Drank rootbeer.

I wanted a cookie but we couldn't find a cookie place so we hung out at his place. It was nice seeing his parents again. It was cool seeing their Christmas decorations; Bry put them up, it was real cool.

We talked, somewhat caught up with each other. He rearranged his room again. I took a picture of his new "wall". My drawing wasn't there anymore but it was nice to see our pictures.

Caught a glimpse of Smallville Season 10. Tried watching but gave up.

Played Battleship. I was down 2 ships but it was a come-from-behind win (Phew). I thought my streak was going to end, hehe.

Ate pudding - after I watched him prepare his lunch.

Talked some more - DVDs, shopping, etc. I asked lotsa questions as usual, hehe. Looked at his list of movies to watch. Pencil scheduled our next meeting.

He gave me a short lecture on the American Electoral System - I had to ask about it, hehe.

Played Mancala. I won the first round, he won the second.

Took pictures with him and his mom.

I gave his mom a hug before leaving.

It started snowing.

He drove me home. He stayed for a while, just to say hi to everyone.

Thanked him for dinner, gave him a hug, told him I missed him and I'll see him again soon.

Texted and thanked him again for the evening.

Went online - did some errands (E-mails, FB, LX)

Checked the Spurs game - we won. :)

Talked to Jeff for a bit.

Finalized meeting with Ms. Castro

"Hung out" with Ate Nic


What I loved about the day:

Spending time with Brian

Spurs won

Seeing Jeff and Tito Beboy again even if I didn't get to spend time with them


Thanks Papa.

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