Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Sometimes it's better to be an adult. Sometimes it's better to be a kid. Don't we wish we can talk to the kids in us?


“Why are you so afraid of what you want?” said a little voice.

“Am I afraid?” the elder figure somberly replied.

“Why else would you be in such misery?” the figure retorted matter-of-factly.

“Because I don’t know what I want. I don’t know which way to go.”

“What do I want? Tell me because I want to know.” The elder added after a moment’s pause. The figure just stared quietly. “I wish I could be like you. You know what you want. It’s easy to decide. You don’t feel any pressure. You don’t worry so much. You just know what you want. I know when we were little we knew what we wanted but we didn’t always say it. Or when we did, we didn’t get it all the time. Sometimes we’d push to no avail. At other times, we’d just give up because we got tired.”

“You’re such an adult.” The child finally said.

“I know. It sucks sometimes. I feel like it’s the ‘wise’ thing to do. To go through all of these. I have to make an informed decision. It’s the ‘responsible’ thing to do.”

“Listen to yourself. You sound sarcastic.” The child pointed out.

“Sarcastic? Where’d you learn that word?” The 22-year-old said amusedly.

“I’m part you remember? I know stuff.”

“So what do I do now?”

“Do you always have to ask that?” The child asked in an annoyed tone. “You know we didn’t like being told what to do. We always complained about how adults decided everything.”

“It’s pretty ironic that I’m asking you now then.”

“Yep, now you’re the adult and I’m the kid.”

“Do I know what I want?”

“I’m part you remember? I know what I want.” The kid replied smartly.

“And you’re not going to tell me?” The adult asked in a pleading manner.

“Where’s the fun in that?” The kid replied drolly.

“I wasn’t a mean kid.”

“You like mind games. You like solving puzzles and figuring out stuff. Makes you feel smart.” The kid replied lightheartedly.

“You’re an annoying little smart aleck.” The adult replied half-amused.

“I know you are.” The child said with a grin.

“Will I talk to you again soon?” The elder asked curiously.

“Yeah. He’ll send me back.” The smaller figure said waving goodbye. “It’ll be fine.” The child added with a knowing smile.

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