Monday, April 26, 2010

Running into a Friend

Just thought this was worth sharing. It's one of those incidents that you'd just want to note or to write about so that you can remember it.

I ran into Cess today. I was on my way home, walking outside Shang. I saw her standing outside Mercury, waiting for a ride. Without hesitating, I walked towards her and called her name. She looked just as surprised to see me. We both asked each other what we were doing there; I told her I was on my way home, she said she was waiting for a cab to go to Astoria. We talked for a bit; filling each other in on what we've been occupied with after graduation. After a while I told her she might have better luck waiting for a cab at the waiting line, but I wasn't sure how long the line was, or she could walk to Astoria. She started asking me for directions and I told her I could walk her there, I was going the same way.

So we walked together, continued talking and catching up with each other. It was a nice chat. Nostalgic. It's always nice seeing a familiar face again.

Aside from the fact that it was nice running into her, I guess I was drawn to write about this because I've been in a weird mood today. I haven't been in the mood to talk to anyone the entire day. I talked to Cha for a while, called her twice; mostly because I wanted to apologize and make sure everything was okay. Both Ai and Liz said hi online, but I wasn't very open to talking to either of them; told them both I'll talk to them more tomorrow. Before leaving work, I told Hans I won't be able to talk to him later. I didn't even bother listening to my Zen on the way home. In a way, I just wanted "silence".

I guess I was just surprised that my mood changed. Thanks Cess. :)

Thanks Pop (guess you were reminding me the importance of being open...or something like that...) :p

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