Friday, June 26, 2009

The King of Pop

I wasn't online the entire day yesterday so I wasn't able to pay respects to the King of Pop via the internet. But the news of his death was one of the first things I encountered yesterday.

While preparing for my doctor's appointment, I turned the TV on to CNN and saw that he suffered cardiac arrest. I postponed taking a shower for a few minutes and just watched. The TV partially woke my sister up and when she saw the news, she didn't go back to sleep anymore. While taking a shower, I prayed that Michael Jackson would be okay. I was still watching while I was dressing up and that's when I saw that the LA Times and CBS news reported MJ's death, but CNN had not confirmed it yet. I hoped that the LA Times and CBS were wrong. I had to leave before CNN was able to confirm the sad news and it wasn't until I got back home that I actually believed that he was gone.

I'm not a huge Michael Jackson fan, I wasn't born yet when Thriller was released. But growing up, I knew Michael was an icon. I remember my first ever favorite song as a child was Heal the World. If I remember correctly, it was the first song I ever memorized on purpose and I remember the times I'd get all excited when it would play on the radio. I remember calling my mom's attention when the song would play and we would sing the chorus together.

I grew up liking other Michael Jackson songs and I remember becoming fond of his Thriller video because it was so long, I felt like I was watching a movie. When he released You Rock My World in 2001, I remember fuzzing about it a bit because for me it was the first Michael Jackson song that was released in my generation (I was thirteen years old).

Somehow I wish I could've known his music more. I know I can start anytime, but it's just different now that he's gone. May his soul rest in peace. I know he will never be forgotten. May God bless his family.

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