Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today's Homily

** I might go back and add to this. It's one of those I have to write now to avoid forgetting.
The priest's words just struck me and I wanted to note them. **

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord, 5pm mass

1st reading - salvation by following the law
2nd reading - salvation as grace; we do not earn it by following the law

Contradictory? No. We are usually confused. We are usually living contradictions.

1. Hearing but not doing (something I've heard so many times; inexcusable once we hear and understand, but still do not do. personal question: how do we know if we understand, correctly at least?)

2. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason (struck me, relating to my intention of going back to school, specifically regarding prestige.)

3. Doing great things but forgetting the small but important things (still partially related to prestige; chasing after my dream.)

4. Starting out right, but ending up (still) "wrong" (just a nice reading of the gospel; the house built on the rock still faced the storm, but the point is, it did not collapse.)

Just before the Lord's Prayer:
lawless = anomia
nomos = law
a = negation

The greatest law is love.
Even if we do great things, if we do it without love, it is nothing.

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