Friday, August 15, 2008


I was looking forward to my History class today because our group papers were going to be returned, but before that event, our reflection papers in Political Science were unexpectedly returned. Even more surprising than that was that I got an A in my PolSci paper...I mean that was TOTALLY unexpected. I am thankful for that.

We got a good grade in our group paper too. That one, I was hoping for.

But what beats all of these today is my experience during my quiet time in the chapel today. After I talked to God, as in ranting about my day and how jolly and thankful I was; I paused for a few minutes to listen to Him, I had ranted enough...hehe...

And then I felt it, something warm and good within me. I felt like God was proud of me...not because of the grades I got...I don't know exactly...I just felt like He was telling me that He was proud of me. It felt good. At first I doubted the feeling, maybe it was just me; an extension of my joy over my papers...but no, I was inexplicably certain that He was telling me that He was proud of me.

It was just a great feeling. I don't really remember the feeling anymore, but I remember telling myself then that nothing beats that feeling, not even getting a QPI of 3.9. Unfortunately, right now I am longing for the feeling that QPI of 3.9 will give me; I am back to thinking that it would give me such joy and pride. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I know that is only superficial. Although I cannot exactly remember what I felt, I know that nothing beats what I felt in the chapel. Thanks Lord.

I pray and hope that once in a while I make You smile. (",)

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