Sunday, December 28, 2008

Late Blog: Compilation of Stuff I've Wanted to Blog About


I was such an Olympic freak during the last Olympics in Beijing. The TV would always be on an Olympic channel whenever I was home. It didn't really matter what the event was, I just wanted to tune in and I tried to catch whatever I could. I didn't have much of a choice since Sky Cable didn't have Solar Sports anymore and I didn't subscribe to the pay-per-view. The sports I looked forward to were basketball (no duh...), swimming, gymnastics, and the marathons. I disliked it when CS9 or ETC would show boxing matches.

But aside from my Olympic obsession, what was real noteworthy was how I was able to watch the men's basketball gold medal match, a bit of the bronze medal match, and Michael Phelps' final event.

First, let's talk about Michael Phelps. Aside from watching the Olympic events whenever I'd get home or when I'm about to go to bed, I'd tune in to ETC in the morning because they talk about the Olympics. When I heard about Michael Phelps' feat, I really wished that I could watch his final event to see if he would get the Olympic record. I was gonna be content with watching the replay if I would be able to catch it but I got lucky...I was getting my haircut and it just so happened that the parlor I was in had Solar Sports. I knew that Michael Phelps' final event was on that day. Solar Sports was televising the events live and I knew it would be historic to watch that final's always special when you watch something live. I was already done with my haircut, but the event wasn't on yet. They were still showing all the other matches. My mom and Cha were already nagging me to go home but I told them it was real important for me to catch the event live. I'm not too proud of it, but we even got into a bit of an argument. I told them they could go ahead and I'll just take a cab going home because I really wanted to watch that last event. I knew my mom and Cha were getting pretty annoyed with me but I just really wanted to watch. I wasn't completely proud of how I was acting, but sometimes some things are just worth standing up for. I made a wish that day, I prayed that I'd be able to watch that match and I was given the opportunity to do so and I didn't want to let it pass. Fortunately, the match was up next and I was able to catch it. All was good when we got into the car. I was smiling and I was happy. Mom and Cha were laughing and mocking me in the car.

On the day of the men's basketball medal match, we went to Tagaytay Highlands, I forgot why but we did. I knew what time the game would be televised on CS9. While I was playing billiards, they were showing the bronze medal match live. It was already the second or third quarter when I saw it. I watched a little while playing. I was happy Argentina was winning. But I was pretty confident that I'd be able to catch the replay on CS9. Unfortunately, the car broke down on the way home. Of course I started getting pissed because we couldn't decide whether we would get the car fixed or get another ride. If we had decided earlier, I might have been able to catch the game. And so I went on this frenzy, trying to find a way I could watch the game online. I asked Cha to ask her friend to look for a site. I just really wanted to watch the game. I did find a site and I was able to download the bronze medal match. It took about a day to download the whole thing. I was only able to get back to the video and watch it a few days the video has been on the desktop for months. But that's not the big story I wanted to tell. I mean, it was cool that I was able to find the video online...I was pretty bummed that I wasn't able to get a hold of the women's medal match and the men's gold medal match. I just read an article about the women's matches (specifically the bronze medal one because I was rooting for Russia...Becky Hammon!!!) and I was glad that the Russians won. I was able to catch the women's gold medal match one time on TV. CS9 was replaying Olympic games. I wasn't too interested in it anymore though, I knew the U.S. won and I really wished that Russia made it to the gold medal match instead.

Anyway, going's the big adventure. I was real desperate to watch the men's gold medal match. I knew BTV was showing the games and I really wished we had BTV back then (it doesn't matter though, we have it now and I'm glad). I went to BTV's website to check their schedules. I was bummed that I wouldn't be able to watch the women's games but I saw that I could catch the men's gold medal match the following day. I asked Cha if we could go to her house the following day just to watch and she said yeah. I forgot what we did before we went to her house, but anyway, the remarkable thing was that I endured a very long jeepney ride just to get to her place. During the jeepney ride, Cha and I were talking and I smiled as I told her, "Man, what I would do for basketball..." I was just fascinated. I am such a basketball freak. And really, when there is something I want, I'd do almost anything to get it.

We were a bit late for the game because it was traffic but I was happy when I got to watch it. Cha's dad even fed us kalderetang baka, so I was eating while watching. After the game, we went home. I was satisfied. While watching, I kept telling Cha I wished we had BTV...I missed the channel so much. At least we have it now. =)

Clark and Lana

Here's another one of my weird obsessions...Clark Kent and Lana Lang...or Lana Lang-Kent to me. I don't know what's with them..I have my theories, but man, I just love them and they affect me so much.

I've felt depressed for a couple of days after watching that episode where Clark proposes to Lana and Lana accepts but ends up dying because of Lex. Clark asks for Jor-El's help and he goes back in time, doesn't propose to Lana, and they end up breaking up. I was so upset with Clark, he could have proposed again but warned Lana...blah blah blah...that's just one example of how Smallville affects me.

I've felt depressed for weeks about the two and I still do sometimes...hehe...but I just remember the time when I was on a high for a couple of weeks because of one fic I read. I found a sanctuary as a Clana fan in Sweet. I remember spending an entire day or weekend just reading fics. Yup, I went on another one of my crazes. Ask Cha, I couldn't stop saying "Clark and Lana" with matching weird, dreamy face, and goofy smile for weeks...I even wrote it down on a tissue paper while we were eating in The Old Spaghetti House. I was really on a high during those weeks, I'd smile everytime I would hear "You and Me" by Lifehouse (the song they danced to during prom). I'd think of the couple whenever I would hear a love song and I wouldn't even feel pain when I'd hear "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt (the song that played in the background during that dreaded episode when Clark proposed).

One of the things I realized during that week was that Clark and Lana were fictional characters. Their story was written by someone. They were figments of someone's imagination. Because their story was written by someone, it does not mean that whatever that person writes is final because it is a imagine it. If Smallville writers could write stories and decide their outcomes, so could I and in my story Clark and Lana end up together.

When I realized this, I felt free. Of course, it doesn't change the fact that I still do get sad at times when I think about how their story ends in Smallville. But it's just a story. I can write my own and I can decide how it ends. I still wish they'd end up together in Smallville...but...I guess you can't get everything you want. I have my fics to cheer me up and I've read some awesome post-Requiem fics and I'm writing my own. (I felt down for a few days/weeks after Lana's final episode, felt better after I read some fics).

Say what you want to say, but Clark and Lana's love goes on's eternal.
Tom Welling and Kristin Kreuk have done such an amazing job. I don't think I would've been touched by Clark and Lana's story if other actors played the part.

SD day meet (the one with the higad; the day I told him about blink)

I've had some pretty awesome SD sessions with Bro. Martin, but there was this one time where I felt so great was the day I told him about blink. I have to say, after that talk, I felt free. I was not a bad person and it was okay. I really wished I was able to blog during that day but things came up.

I was just so happy that on my way back from the Loyola House of Studies, I was smiling, I enjoyed my walk and I even told myself and God (I was kinda talking to Him on my way back) that even if a higad would fall on me, I wouldn't mind...(I told God I was kinda kidding, I wouldn't want a higad to fall on me...but I was just so happy...I usually crack jokes with Him when I'm feeling real good). I think I even texted my friends just to tell them I was happy. I think I texted Ai and told her I remembered her when I passed by the sick leaves...hehe...

I wish I could say more about that day and that I could remember some of the things, quotable quotes, that popped into my head during that walk...but I can't. I just remember the feeling and it was a real great feeling...the kind that makes me want to jump up and down...hehe... =p

Bad day - argue with dad in Megamall about receipt

Although it wasn't a very good experience, I found that day quite memorable. It was the first time in a long time that I got into an argument/fight with my dad. I was upset because he lost my Zen's receipt, which I needed for warranty purposes. I was being a bit pushy about asking his friend to look for it and he was missing the point why the receipt was important to me. I just got real annoyed that he was dismissing me and I was stressing him out. We didn't talk for a day or two, I think...or I think I said sorry that evening or the following day.

One of the things I realized after the fight was that my dad and I are both stubborn...hehe...I told Cha that. Looking back, I think that fight showed me that my dad and I are getting pretty close. We fought and then we made up afterwards.

Day at the embassy - bonding with Kaye. Math problem and drawings. Dad funny umbrella.

The day that we got our U.S. Visa was a pretty memorable day. My sister and I got to bond while waiting...because it was a very long wait. We chatted, something we hadn't done in a long time. I missed talking with Kaye and I had forgotten how fun it was talking to her...there are certain things that only her and I understand.

When we got real bored...this was when we were waiting for our interview...I talked her into solving a math problem with me. We tried computing how much longer we would have to wait given the number of counters, the clients left to be served, and the time it took for each person to be interviewed. We made some algebraic representations. Unfortunately, we realized after a while that we simply did not have enough data and so we ended up doodling. One of her doodles was the aerial view of Batman, which looked like a fried egg...hehe...I scanned the piece of paper we doodled in, it's posted in my Multiply site. The other memorable thing during the wait was my dad playing with the umbrella. While Kei and I were busy entertaining ourselves, I guess he tried to entertain himself by playing with the umbrella. He was moving the umbrella around, like drawing circles or writing something on the floor. It was a pretty funny and fascinating site, Kei and I laughed when we saw him...hehe...

The interview went well. We got our visas. My dad had a scary moment though, he saw one of his "enemies" while we were being interviewed and so he got nervous. He kept telling us about it afterwards. After the whole thing, dad brought us to school. Kei first then me. We bought Fillet O' Fish sandwiches in McDonald's for lunch. It was pretty traffic on the way back to ADMU. I fell asleep in the car. I was kinda late for my first class. I told Sir Siojo the reason why I was late afterwards.

God makes thing work out. Check cp about was panicking but He made it okay. Philo orals too, only three thesis statements. Histo was able to do stuff, didn't even know that school was coming up already.

December 19, 2008
I don't really remember this much but I wrote in my cellphone that I was panicking because I was late and I had stuff to do. I prayed that I wouldn't be late. Fortunately, things worked out. I wasn't late because it was a free cut. I think this was the last day of classes before Christmas break. I was bringing a lot of things, gifts actually, and I had some stuff to deliver (ice cream puff orders I think). I was really panicking because I had to deliver the stuff. I think I planned on delivering them before class but I was running late and so I was worrying...I prayed. Then I was so relieved when I found out that our teacher decided to have a free cut.

Christmas break 2008
After I finished preparing for my Ph103 midterm exams, I was so thankful that there were only three thesis statements instead of the original four because I didn't think I had enough energy or brain juice to handle four. I just remember feeling real thankful that day and I felt like things were working out.

During the break, one of the things I was able to accomplish was my photographic recording of Paco Park for my Hi198.7 midterm project. I was also able to do a big chunk of the paper. I didn't realize I was accomplishing all of those during the break and so I was thankful when I realized that I did. The thing was, I didn't realize that classes were about to resume already and so I was pretty fascinated and real thankful for the whole thing.

  • It was nice how everytime I needed to ask a question for Ph104, there was always a free PC I could use (I was reviewing for LT#2).
  • "Ay talaga" - when we ate in Shylin, ma mocked me...I said "Ay talaga" and she repeated it...hehe...
  • "Here lives the alcohol magnate" - I forgot when this happened but there was one time when mom said this while she was going to my bed or something...hehe...
  • There was also this other time when she sat on my bed, but before she sat, she fixed the blanket first so she would sit on it instead of sitting on my sheets. I just found it cute. She knew I didn't like people sitting on my sheets unless they've taken a bath and are "clean".
There are a couple of other things I wanted to blog about but I never found the time and now I can't remember them so that sucks...Just felt like saying it though, at least somehow I'm commemorating it..hehe..

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