Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nice Day..Mostly

I'm just kinda full of energy right now...not as much as I was a while ago but enough that I don't think I'm ready to sleep yet and I can't do anything much...I mean I am a bit tired to elaborate on my day...I'll do that some other time. But it would suffice to say that I had a pretty good day. The only thing that got me down was my Ph104 orals. I know I didn't do well. I just got a C+, I've never gotten that in Philo before...makes me question myself...were my Ph101 and 102 flukes? I don't think they were. But a C+ is just painful for me. I like Philosophy...I like it a lot. But I guess you can never box're a different person everyday...I guess I just wasn't as involved in Philo this time, and well, I don't think I exerted as much effort as I did before, so I guess it makes sense. As Aristotle would say, one action does not make a man virtuous; one has to continuously choose to act virtuously; I chose not to engage in Ph104 as much as I did in 101 and 102. Nevertheless, it's still pretty painful. But I am happy about the things I learned in Philo this sem, even though they weren't as intense as before.

** I think it'll take me a few days to get over my C+...might even talk to Sir Strebel about it...I miss him anyway...hehe...**

1 comment:

Rhina said...

I know very well how much you love philo.. as in!

You shouldn't doubt yourself about how good you are in that particular subject.. I can say that you're grade doesn't reflect the entirety of what you have learned. I'm more than 100% sure that you can apply what you have learned in your latest philo class in your everyday life (and practice them on me... hehe..=p)

Take care always. =)