Thursday, March 26, 2009


Is there such a thing such as graduation jitters? I feel pretty weird right my head is spinning or something...hehehe...I'm in a surprisingly cheerful mood. I had a pretty good day. Kinda interesting considering I experienced a range of emotions.

I had a hard time getting out of bed. I slept around 3 a.m. I planned on staying up much later to wait for my phone to finish charging but I fell asleep. Blue Roast was pretty interesting for me...will talk about that next time...maybe...Anyway, I had a pretty bad dream. It was about a war and a bunch of dead people from the war. I was walking through a mall that was filled with war casualties, it was pretty gross and scary. Then when I finally had the strength to get out of bed, I turned on the TV (as usual) and put it on's a habit and kind of like a reflex for me...hehe...saw the last few minutes of the Celtics-Magic game. When another time-out was called I decided to start taking a bath and I occasionally checked the game out until it was finished (Celtics lost...I was happy...hehe)

Mom decided to bring me to school, she said she had nothing to do so she tagged along on my way to school. I decided to go to the Jesuit Residence to check if Fr. Arcilla was there. I waited for him since the lady at the front desk said he would be back in a while. I asked him to sign my book and I took a picture with him. On my way out, I suddenly felt discontent and decided to ask for a dedication from him so I went back and asked him to write a dedication and I took another picture with him.

Some memorable lines from Fr. Arcilla:
This is ancient/like a relic. What are you gonna do with that? Are you gonna put it in a museum?....Wonderful...Congratulations!

He told me he probably wasn't gonna be in the graduation ceremony tomorrow. He was real nice. I thought it was nice of him to come out again just to write a dedication. He was eating lunch...hehe...

After a while, Irrisse arrived and we went on our way to St. Stephen's for Ai's surprise grad party. Irrisse and I had a great conversation about the silent retreat and some other things. It's always great talking with Irrisse. We can relate to each other in many ways, we're similar in a lot of ways and I find that nice.

A memorable line from Irrisse:
Don't worry Zy, hindi ka kakainin ng mga Chinese.

Then it was Ai's surprise party. I met her care group. It was nice seeing Ai with them. It was like seeing a different side of Ai which was nice. We ate a lot of carbonara and chocolate cake. I was proud of my friend for having accomplished so many things, for being a great leader to other people. I felt blessed to be her friend. After some picture taking, haircutting, and watching YouTube videos, Ai and her care group had to practice and Irrisse brought me to Recto Station. We had another fun conversation on the way then we hugged and said bye to each other. I felt happy and somewhat sad because I was gonna miss seeing Irrisse randomly and having casual conversations with her. I always liked running into her in school.

I texted her and bought a gift for her and for my thyroid doctor in Gateway. I didn't feel like going home right away so I dropped by Sleepcare and Humor Post in Shang. I really didn't feel like going home and was feeling pretty sad...had a heartache, I decided to go to church and also have my quiet time there. I cried. It started with one frustration and then led to another. After that, I continued walking home. When I reached the village, I decided to walk slow...I couldn't walk slow while I was outside, was bothered by all the cars and other people. I remembered the times I would walk around the vicinity of Holy Spirit Mission Service Center in Tagaytay. It felt nice. Then I felt the urge to just continue walking around, but I wanted to put my bag down first so I went home and put my bag inside the room. No one was home and so I really decided to stroll around the village. I felt like taking pictures, something I wasn't able to do during the retreat because I didn't bring a camera so I went around the village taking pictures of plants, the clouds, and some people. I ate cereal afterwards and I took some picture of Gio while I was at the garden. After that, I took a bath, fixed my things and did some "errands", preparing for grad and all.

It was real nice walking around the village and taking pictures, I enjoyed myself...something I don't normally helped make me feel better. The alone time was nice too.

Other highlights: Hans texted on my way home, it was nice having a text conversation with him although both of us were feeling pretty down. Talked to Isabela on the phone...talked about a lot of things. It's always nice talking to her. Mom and I said "love you" over the phone, which I think is a first. I was actually surprised at how easy the words came out of my mouth, I usually feel awkward saying it to her, I just usually tell her through text. Kaye just congratulated me through plurk...somehow it made me feel good, proud...even though I won't be graduating with honors...which still stings by the way.

Generally I had a nice day. I had a good and honest conversation with God during my quiet time. I talked with friends and I was able to let go, relax, and express myself walking around and taking pictures.

Something funny:
Iso sent me an invitation but when I checked my mail it wasn't there yet...turns out she sent it to zy_puppy722...hehe...I was pretty sleepy already...made me laugh... =p

Something memorable:
When someone asked what magis was, Irrisse and Aileen pointed me out. Irrisse said I was magis personified. It was nice hearing something like that. I always love compliments, don't get enough of them, especially from myself. It was just nice. Made me feel good.

Another thing that cheered me up:
Spurs won...Manu's back, Tim wasn't there was Tony's night, scored 42 points.

I should be going to bed now. I have to get up early for the Baccalaureate Mass. I've been waking up early these past few days.

I'll try to get some sleep now...wouldn't want to be all sleepy and disoriented tomorrow...hehe...

Cheers. AMDG.

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