Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not Well

I'm not okay right now...although I think I'm doing better than I was a while ago. Feeling a mixture of things...scared, stressed, a bit of panic, sad, upset...just not well. Slept past 4am, prepared for the bazaar today...stop by if you can...La Vista Village, visit Legendairy Ice Cream Puffs and buy from us...that'll cheer me up a bit...we'll have another bazaar next week, November 29-30 then December 13-14 in QC Sports Club...

Anyway, I'm loaded with stuff to's no joke...I was kinda okay with it yesterday, I mean I was even excited to be working hard again. I was still upbeat about everything after my LS136 class. But then I guess the lack of sleep got me. I just feel real tired. Can't function well without proper sleep and I've got to do so many things. It just so happened that my papers and reports all got scheduled this week. I've got three papers and two group reports. I'm not even thinking about my readings right now.

It's probably the lack of sleep, I don't even know what time I got up but I guess it was around 6:30-7:00 in the morning. It just felt scary. I mean I've been having this fear that whatever happened during my second semester in third year might happen again. I mean, I've been feeling a bit of pressure lately and I've been feeling like my old self again, the anxious and pressured one. The easy-going me is gone. But I guess it's just normal, I'm just trying to find the mean right now. Nonetheless, it scares me.

* my laptop keeps on acting up and it's freakin' want to blog...and I can't even do that peacefully...damn it! *

I'm just really not in a good mood right now and I need an outlet. I tried playing b-ball, it helped a bit, though I wasn't having a good shooting day either. I was trying to look for someone to talk to but people weren't available. I remember talking to myself and telling my basketball, "so I guess it's just you and me..." Felt better after accomplishing my ten-consecutive shots goal. I even did it twice just to appease me because after completing myfirst ten...

** Had to go to Church so I stopped...something happened on the way to Church, will talk about it next time, too sleepy right now...but generally better, still lotsa work though... **

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Not sure how to start...I'm tired...I was excited to blog a while ago, while I was in school, and I thought about it but was too lazy to get the laptop and stuff..

My mock interview went well so that got me all hyped. My interviewer was real nice. He gave me real nice comments...He told me to relax though, I was too stiff..and He told me to tweak my resume to champion my achievements more. I'll probably detail this more next time, I'm too tired to be excited right now...I'm not doing the experience justice, I'd like to describe it better because it was real nice.

I think I'm soles are swollen...and that's a usually a sign. People have been commenting that I looked stress and sad yesterday...I wasn't really stressed or sad then, I think I was just sleepy because I had to get up early. I got used to sleeping kinda late and waking up kinda late since my classes are in the afternoon...earliest is at 12:30...But I've been having meetings here and there the past few days so I had to start my day earlier than usual.

Today was a different story though. After being all hyped because of my interview, I went into depressed mode...just felt sad...lonely...reality was kinda sinking in again. Then I guess I got a bit stressed in the afternoon, I have so many things to do but I haven't started any and I think thinking about them stressed me out. "Baking" was pretty tiring, I didn't do as much as the others did but I still got tired. Cleaning up was a bit stressful I think.

So I tried unwinding, or trying am trying to unwind by blogging, chatting, watching btv (I forgot to blog about it because I've been busy, will blog about it next time if I remember, we finally have btv! The digibox was installed yesterday...yey!!!) and checking my mail so I'm at least productive.

Wished I could have written this better but I guess I'm real tired...will sleep in a while...have to wake up at 9...that's early for me...hehe...

Thanks for the nice and good interview Lord... =)

*** Oh yeah, most of my NBA teams lost today...the Spurs, Bulls...and the other ones I rooted for like Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Miami...the Kings won though...still not sure if the Rockets won, will check it right now.. ***

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I wasn't gonna blog tonight although I had a pretty nice day...

But I just really got pissed and I'm kinda angry right now...I just had to let it out somehow. I can't exactly scream because it's late and people are sleeping...I can't play basketball because I already took a shower and I'm in my pj's I'll just write...

I'm not gonna say anything bad right now because I don't want to offend anyone and I know I'm just pissed off. I'm just pretty irritated right now. People just get annoying sometimes and I don't take that against them because we all get annoying and weird at times. I'm just real annoyed right now and I'm just trying to let it pass. I'm just real annoyed.

Trust...why is it so hard to trust again...should I blame myself or is my skepticism and doubt justified? I know there has to be a limit...but it's just hard to trust, especially when it comes to particular things...a part of me wants to apologize for my lack of trust, but a part of me feels like it is justified...I mean trust is hard to regain once someone breaks it right?

A part of me feels bad for being suspicious and I wish I can help it...but it's just hard...I hope it gets it my fault?

*** Think this'll do for now...still not that okay, but I think it's time to occupy myself with other things...still have to work... ***

*** They say depression is repressed anger...they say your feelings will come out one way or another, if you try to bottle it up, it'll eventually explode...I learned these the hard way, so my resolution is to let it least in that way, you control how it goes out...I think it's healthier. ***

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fantastic Contraptions

This was entertaining, learned about it from Isabela then I got kinda hooked...but not as much as her...haha...I told Cha about it and she got are my contraptions..the first one is the best, the limping cracked me up, I felt bad seeing other people's contraptions was my first contraption and I thought I had to use the triangle thing so I made a complicated contraption when I couldv'e made a simpler one...that's why I felt bad when I saw the other contraptions,'s funny really made me laugh, it made Cha and Blowfish laugh too..hehe...

Another Late Blog

I'm not in working condition right now, I feel like my brain is covered in haze right now and I'm not in the mood to do anything else and I have to wait for 12:30am so I can take my antibiotic. The Nanny Diaries is on right now but I'd really rather blog and there are a lot of things I said I would blog about anyway...

Well since my brain is all hazy, I find it very difficult to recall anything that has happened the past days...all I remember are the highlights, at least those things that really struck me...

Friday, November 14, 2008

This was a good day for me mainly due to my talk with Ms.Thomas which made me feel better. I think I also got to finish my Theo reading this day, I'm not sure but I was starting my Hi16.7 reading. I also got to photocopy my Hi198.7 readings, there were no classes so there was no line, although I kinda had an adventure retrieving the stuff I was kinda my fault for leaving them too long...I left them with the photocopy lady and said I would come back for them. I wasn't expecting to talk with Ms.Thomas then but she texted that she was free so I went to her office and we talked for about two hours I think. I finally felt satisfied with the shirt I bought from the A-shop, I was supposed to exchange it but when I tried on the other shirt, I realized that my shirt fit me better so I just decided to keep it (I wore it today by the way)...

Oh, my morning was pretty good least part of it was, I called Adidas Rockwell and Gateway, I got a bit sad that I didn't receive their text about the arrival of the championship shirts, Rockwell didn't have XS anymore...I called Gateway and they still had XS so I had it reserved and said I would get it the following day. I told them to reserve blue and white for me so I can choose betweent the just felt like the things I was hoping and waiting for were falling into place so I felt good. I've been waiting for those shirts.

My day wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be workwise, but I had a good day nonetheless...I know I had a nice quiet time and then I had that nice chat with Ms. Thomas. Hans and I had a bit of fun playing with the E-strat software. LS136 was okay, it seems interesting, although I'm trying to shake off the pressure to do real good. It seems like an easy and interesting class so I don't wanna mess it up. Hans, Ai, and I had a pretty fun talk after class, mostly about business but it was fine. Then on the way to the CWL concert, I found Hans' and Ai's messages entertaining; I was fond of them so I saved them...Hans also said some real nice and sweet things...I'm glad to have those two as my friends.

I was real hungry so I "entertained" my mom and Cha at the concert, they could tell I was hungry...hehe...watching Jonathan Badon again was cool, he's still real good. I had a picture taken with him and I had my CD signed. I got two CDs this day, one from my mom and one from that was nice. I was feeling real good so I volunteered to be Cha's partner during the ballroom dancing, I couldn't dance the swing and she couldn't boogie...hehe...but it was entertaining, I rarely volunteer to dance...haha...

I don't know what was up with me, maybe it was just the good talk with Ms. Thomas but I was singing outside the clubhouse while listening to my ZEN, I just felt mom was hungry so we had a midnight snack in Tropical Hut. I wanted to blog when I got home but I was too tired.

Saturday, November 15, 2008 - Sunday, November 16, 2008

This was a pretty nice day for me. I woke up late and missed the Rockets-Spurs game because I had a doctor's appointment but it was a nice day. I got to go to my two doctors so that was an accomplishment for me. Then Cha and I went to Gateway to pick up my Adidas shirt. We ate in Taco Bell, had a little fight but was okay after a while. I enjoyed my quesadilla and the half-taco.

My favorite part of the day was finding my sheep planner. I was starting to get sad because I felt like I wasn't gonna get it anymore but then I saw it in Megamall. I was already making plans to visit a lot of malls just to look for it. I asked Cha if she wanted to watch Madagascar 2 in Glorietta that night so we can check the National Bookstore there. Then I was assigning her to check in both NBs in Greenhills. I was planning on walking to Podium from Megamall just to check the NB there and then I was already trying to think of when we could go to Galleria to check..but all of these weren't necessary because I found the planner in Megamall. We asked the saleslady if they still had the Hallmark planners and she said they should be by the counter...on my way to the counter, I saw a planner in the corner of my eye, I saw the one with the dog with green glasses, then I stuck my hand to the counter and grabbed two planners....I turned the around and it was the sheep planner!!! Two of them...Cha was on her way to the other counter and I ran to her, made a funny noise then showed her the planners...I felt like a kid, I was so happy...I'm not sure if I was jumping around..hehe...

I smiled and said "God loves me"...I was really starting to feel down. I was praying that I find the sheep planner...again it just felt like the things I hoped and waited for were falling into place, it was just a nice feeling...especially now that I've been feeling lonely every now and then.

Cha and I picked up her puzzle then after walking around the mall, we went to Church. Then we had dinner in Latizze where my cousin Nic worked. The food was good, I recommend the place...I was stuffed after dinner, which wasn't good because I felt like going to bed once I got home...hehe...I took my shower so that woke me up a bit and I got to read a few pages of my Hi16.7 reading before falling asleep. Cha woke me up when she went to the room but I was still sleepy...I finally got up around 12:30 to drink my antibiotic, ate cereal, helped Cha with her puzzle then resumed reading until about 2am. I finished until page 34 (I think) before deciding to sleep.


Was real sleepy when I woke up in the morning. I can't remember the first thing I did but I know I switched the channel to CS9 to catch my NBA for the day then my dad called and we agreed to meet in a while so I took a bath, ate lunch, continued reading while waiting for him...then Cha and I went with him to MOA to get my Zen checked and to get another copy of my receipt. I bought a meal in Subway, one of my fave places to eat, I stop by Subway whenever I have the chance to, I love their oatmeal cookies and I miss their subs. I wanted to be home before 2pm so that I could catch the UAAP-NCAA All-Star game but we stopped by S&R. We bought some stuff, toiletries mostly...I have two giant shampoos, dad pretty much gave me permission to get was his friend who paid...I didn't get too many things, just the things I needed and some things I liked like Hawaiian Punch...the bill was around 15k. Then he drove us home. I found out that it was okay that I didn't get home at 2pm because it was just the juniors' game. I read more Hi16.7 (mostly during commercial break) and watched the 3-point shootout, dunk contest, and a few seconds of the seniors' game. I had to go to Shang to get my picture taken for my Cha and I went, she put make-up on me and stuff. We dropped off something for my mom's friend in church before going home.

We ate dinner with mom and ma then I watched what was left of the seniors' game, UAAP won...yey! Mom and Cha watched with me and Ma dropped by too...she showed us some old pictures and I had another Ma Moment. After the game we went home. I took a shower, fixed my things...

Once I was in bed, I found myself not in the mood for anything else but writing so here I am...hehe...The Nanny Diaries just finished, I didn't pay much attention to the movie but it seemed nice. I saw a part of Premonition and got sad because Jim died, I thought he lived but then he didn't...I saw that movie in the cinema before, forgot the ending...but I was reminded today and it made me sad...hehe...

I'm blabbing too much already...guess I'll stop now...hehe...

(I still have to wait for 12:30....darn....The Holiday is next...I've seen it thrice already, I think)

Late Blog

I had a bunch of things I wanted to blog about but either I was too tired or Cha needed Presario so by the time I could use it I was already's funny because now I can barely remember the things I wanted to say, it's real different I guess when you feel something at the spur of the moment. Well anyway, here's my best shot at it...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This day was a pretty bad day for least it started that way, I had a bad dream that day...I killed's weird but the dream wasn't really about killing the person, it was more of I know I killed someone, like I can remember killing someone and I was trying to cover it up by framing someone else but in the end I told my mom that I think I was the murderer, I told her I wasn't sure how it happened but I think I killed someone...I woke up feeling so bad and scared, it felt real...I even had to ask myself if it was just a dream, it was just a real bad feeling.

I tried shaking the feeling off by looking for something to watch on's one of the perks of having afternoon classes, hehe...I watched Like Mike on Star Movies, I've seen it before but it was just nice to see it again, I'm a basketball freak, what can I do? And it was feel good movie, which was what I needed after having that terrible dream. Then I ate with Ma and Ate Nic, I had another Ma Moment which I already added to my blog so that was nice made me feel better after having that bad dream...the dream really affected me...

I thought my day was starting to turn and all but then something kinda annoying happened. I was running out of load so I stopped by Ministop to buy a prepaid card, I loaded the card inside the cab so I was a bit distracted, I know I checked the meter and I was pretty sure it was reset to Php 30...I spent the cab ride daydreaming and getting lost in my thoughts...then to my surprise my cab fare was Php 140 something and I was just on the flyover by Katipunan...I was so surprised, before I paid I asked the driver if he reset the meter and I told him, "Kuya, ang bilis naman ng metro mo...never pa ako umabot ng Php 150, wala namang traffic..ang pinkamataas na bayad ko Php 120 na..."

My total cab fare was Php 157.50 including the plus Php 10...the driver told me to just give him Php 150...that whole incident put my day back to being bad...I mean, I just felt like it was not my day and it all started with that horrible dream.

I got a bit sleepy in my LS135 class but I did my best to participate and remain awake. Theo was interesting, no formal lesson yet just an overview, it was real interesting...I got excited to read our first handout (I read it already and it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be, it was kind of weird actually but it wasn't boring).

After Theo I decided to get my readings at the library and again it just reminded me that it wasn't my day...I stood in line for about an hour just photocopy my Hi16.7 readings. The nice thing was I ran into Ms. Thomas on my way to the reserve section. During my quiet time, I thought about dropping by her office and talking to her...I was having a hard time with something and I needed some help but I wasn't sure if I should open it up to her, I kinda took running into her as a sign. I mean I said if she was there at the office then maybe I should talk to her...I was still contemplating whether I should even drop by and then I ran into her and the words just came out. So after standing in line for an hour I dropped by her office, photocopying ate so much of my time so I decided to just put off telling her, but I let her know that there was something I wanted to talk to her about so we set an appointment either Thursday or Friday. I started feeling better after chatting with her. I was a bit upset that I didn't have more time to read my readings but I at least finished my reading for Philosophy.

Then I went off to my last class, Hi198.7, Ms. Garilao seemed cool although the class kind of intimidated me...I don't know why but I was just intimidated, maybe it was because she said that the class was the easiest one she was teaching this sem so I kinda felt like she was a tough teacher or something...well, let's just see...

The highlight of my day was meeting Kate...she's in my Hi198.7 class and she's my groupmate. After meeting she asked me if I went to St. Paul Pasig and I said yes then she suddenly said that she knew me, she was my classmate, she remembered my name. She has this gift for remembering people's names, we talked about St. Paul on our way out of class, she started mentioning names of other people in our batch and it brought back memories, mostly bad...hehe...but it was a pretty nice nostalgic moment.

Meeting Kate kinda cheered me up. Another thing that cheered me up was that Ms. Garilao said that we wouldn't finish the class late, like we'd be done before 9pm so I was happy because that meant that I didn't have to worry much about getting home in time for Smallville...hehe...Cha knew I was happy about it. My mom also said yes to BTV so that was nice (I just called today and they'll install the box on Wednesday...24/7 basketball, yey!)

Oh another thing that was nice about my day was seeing Sir Tirol while waiting for my first class, I was standing outside SOM 210 and he was over at the 3rd floor of CTC, he just finished his class and he saw me standing over in SOM, he waved, I thought it was a nice made me feel good, it was real nice to see him...I miss him and my classes with him...Sir Tirol's the best.

I had one of my weird moments while walking out of the lib in the dark...since my class finished early I had to wait for my ride so I decided to go to the lib first to get some reading done. When I came out of the lib, I felt something weird, like I was coming out of the lib and it was dark already, I felt like it was just another day at work and it just felt good to be a student. I mean life seemed simple, I just read, turn in papers, and take tests. Life won't be this simple anymore...I'll be graduating in March...I just smiled and tried to cherish the moment.

Monday, November 10, 2008 - Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First day of classes...I said I would blog about it but was too tired...

I don't remember much about my first day back in school but I know that I ran into a lot of people and it was nice seeing all of them..I ran into Melai, Lau, Gino, Martin...just to name a few...they were people I didn't really expect to run into so it was a nice surprise. Running into all those people was a good welcome back for me, it always brightens up my day when I run into friends. I also had that "it's my last semester" these were the striking parts of my first day in school.

A note on my second day, again I don't remember much but I felt good when Mr. Soh remembered felt nice and I was excited to be in his class, he seems real cool and I know he's good. His class seems fun and I feel and know that there is a lot I can learn in his class...I can't wait.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Frustrating End

I'm about to sleep but I decided to get a few things off my chest...sort of...

I just had a frustrating end to my day. It's so hard when the people around you aren't like you. You want to correct certain things but they won't let you, it's two against one, they simply don't see your point and they don't bother's frustrating because you know something is wrong and something has to be wish you can control it, but you can't; they won't let you and you don't have the authority. Those who have the power don't bother using it.

I guess I'm real O.C. and I like making sure that the things that need to be done get done and that the people who are supposed to get what's theirs get it. It's kind of scary how I find it hard to trust people when it comes to certain things, it's surprising and scary because that person is someone that you're supposed to really trust...but why can't I fully trust this time? Why does it bother me? The other scary part is the thing that is's scary...I don't know if I'm just real O.C. or I just have some bad issues.

Ouch...that's all I have to stings, it hurts...I want to rip my heart out and wish that I couldn't feel a thing. When will I get over this? I know I want to...I think that would be good for me...but somehow as I am typing this, I'm thinking I want it go away?

...Yes, I think I's too much for me...

Night...I'm off to bed...

I still want to say thank you Lord...

Just Had to Talk About It

Before I start working tonight, I just had to write about this...

I had a pretty tiring day for some reason, I think it was all the walking from Bel to CTC, I don't know...well I just finished taking a bath and I was drying myself, I left the TV on CNN and the volume was set high (so I could hear the TV while taking a bath)...well I noticed that there was a basketball commercial on, I felt like it was another btv commercial and I thought it was weird because they only played btv commercials on CS9 ever since Sky Cable lost that I had a funny, excited feeling already...then I heard it...24/7 Basketball, subscribe to Basketball TV now on Sky Cable...

Suddenly, I sprung to life (I was lethargically drying myself because I was tired and everything...) and I felt much much better...I suddenly had enthusiasm, I mean I was really worn out...

I yelled, Cha, you can subscribe to Basketball TV on Sky Cable!!! You said you would get it for me...Can you get for me? Please...please...please...

My voice was cracking while I was talking to Cha who was downstairs at that time. I gave her Sky Cable's number and she called. They said we had to write a letter of request then they will install this box which costs Php2000 then there will be a monthly subscription fee of Php100.

The Php2000 box thing is kinda making me think twice about it, I'll discuss it with my mom...I can pay for it if ever...I just really felt better after that whole thing and I couldn't wait to write about it...Man I love basketball...I'm a basketball freak I know...haha!

Well, I needed the energy it's time for work...

Thanks Lord... =)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Upset by the Blazers...Again...

The Portland Trail Blazers broke my heart again today. I've been waiting for my NBA dose for the day, I only get to watch Friday-Monday because I don't have Basketball TV anymore, anyway, I was waiting for the NBA game that they would show in Star Sports. I fell asleep waiting for it, when I woke up it was already the second quarter, it was Houston vs. Portland.

So I watched the game, it annoyed me for the most part because the Rockets kept on blowing chances to take the lead, but it was pretty exciting I guess. Since I fell asleep while waiting for the game, I wasn't able to eat lunch yet and I woke up around 1pm. I told my sister we'd eat once the game was done. Interestingly, the game went into overtime, and I said I didn't mind as long as the Rockets would win, but I was getting pretty hungry though.

In the overtime period, I thought I was put off lunch even more because a basket by one team would be followed by a basket by the other, a miss by one was followed by a miss by the other one, so the game stayed tied. In the last few seconds, the Blazers scored and took the lead, 98-96. The Rockets took possession, 1.9 seconds left, Yao's been having a sub-par game, but he makes a tough turnaround jump shot to tie the a foul...he makes his free throw so the Rockets take the lead, 99-98...I scream, "Yes, I'm eating lunch!" I was getting real hungry. I was more or less sure that the game was in the bag and that I would have a happy lunch, there was only eight tenths of a second left...but then I remember that four tenths of a second play by Derek Fisher that broke my heart years I yell "DEFENSE" ..I was pretty confident because Ron Artest was there...

Brandon Roy gets the ball, he was way outside the the point line, he shoots...I thought the shot was short...but...poof (or should I say swish)...the shot goes in, nothing but net. I scream, "What? I thought it was short!" My sister laughs at my reaction. The defense was late, he had a pretty open shot. The officials review if he got it off in time, but it was clear that he did. The Blazers win, 101-99 and break my heart again. They beat the Spurs in their opening game, 100-99.

I wait till the game credits end, I stand up and turn off the TV while ranting to my sister. It was almost 3pm and I was hungry. I rant to her while eating, how the Blazers beat my team again in a close game. She goes, "I don't even know the Blazers, I mean I know them but I don't know them know them, are they even good?" I say, "That's it, they're not even that good, but they've beaten two of my gotta know them now..."

It sucked that my team lost again, but oh well...I enjoyed the game, sort was a good game. I've been appreciating every NBA game that I get to watch because I don't have the luxury of getting to watch a live game everyday, Sky Cable doesn't have btv anymore, which totally sucks, so I'm NBA deprived...hehe...

Anyway, I forgot about the game as my sister and I sorted our toys for selling. But I just felt like blabbing about the Blazers and how they've broken my heart twice...haha...We'll get those games back, I'm sure of that.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I was just bursting to let this out. I wasn't sure if I wanted to blog about it but I hope that this might help. I've been having this feeling for a quite a while now but it just resurfaced again, I kinda forgot about it but just a few minutes ago, I felt it again and it scared me.

I feel like I'm becoming my old self again, not that that is bad, but I like the new me; the more carefree one, the less OC one, the less pressured one. Right now, I'm scared that I'm becoming all OC again and I can't help but feel some kind of pressure, pressure to do well that is. I'm just scared. I don't wanna go back to that. Sometimes I feel like I'm thinking too much again. I just feel so restless sometimes. I don't know what to do. It's just scary.

I guess I'm kind of afraid repeating my third year second semester. I had a good semester and a good break so far. I'm just scared. I guess I just need a constant reminder. I need to constantly remind myself of the more important things. I have to remind myself that it's just school and it's just another part of my life. I'm just so afraid to go back.

But I guess this is good for me. It'll help me solidify the new things about me. I think it might help me balance things out. I guess a part of me is starting to feel pressured because now I feel like I have no excuse not to do well and not to be okay. When the first semester started, I guess I had an excuse, but now that I'm better I guess a part of me feels like I have no longer have an excuse.

I'm just afraid of making the same mistakes. But I guess I shouldn't let my fear overwhelm me, instead, I think I should let it remind me of what I should do, what I should keep in mind. I can do this. I can get through this.

And I know, I felt it while I was praying, God's here for me...everything's gonna be okay.

And I guess there are people watching out for me out there...Cha watch me and keep me in check...I know I asked you to do that this sem, don't forget...hehe...

I'm feeling better now. I'm starting to crack jokes again...hehe...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Off Day

Played basketball today. I wasn't planning to but the internet was down and I was bored so I decided to shoot some hoops. I was off today. I didn't like my form or my shot. I twisted my ankle twice after attempting a shot. The first time it happened I thought it was just nothing, like I just made a mistake or something. I tried shooting again and it happened again, it hurt more this time. I had to go sit on the bench for a while. I don't know what it was, maybe it was my position or something. My ankle still hurts a little. But I still played after that and my shooting woes continued. I don't know if it was my jump or my release, it just didn't feel right. I was off.

Then Cha came and I told her I was off. I told her she might be able to beat my today. She asked if I wanted to play, I said okay. I was still doing pretty bad. There was a time that my right shoulder hurt, I think I overstretched it or something. But after a few movements here and there it was fine.

Cha led 6-9 at one point but I was able to catch up and eventually won. I think I would've felt real bad if I lost. I thought I was starting to warm up in the end but I missed a few open shots pretty bad. I was feeling better towards the end, more comfortable shooting at least. Then Cha and I did our usual ten shots. I missed my second and third shots or third and fourth, the point is I missed two. Then I made five straight so I was 6 out of 9. I think I put too much pressure on myself because I don't like making less than seven shots. I missed my last shot, it rolled out to the side. I felt pretty bad because seven shots is my minimum, or three misses. Anything lower than that I don't like. So I made 6 out of 10...pretty sucky...I thought it was worth sharing. Just an off day I guess.

** It was nice having Juliane watch and cheer on though, she was real cute **

Monday, November 3, 2008

What a Day (October 7, 2008)

My day started out pretty bad...felt bad because I was kinda mean or I felt selfish in the morning because I denied the driver 5 bucks. That upset me real bad and so I felt real bad, I felt like I wouldn't even enjoy the rest of my day. Then I ate lunch, I didn't even finish my food, it wasn't as good either. Then I drank my medicine and I don't think I drank enough water because the weird medicine stuck in my throat thing happened and I was trying to burp it out until the afternoon. It wasn't a good feeling, I couldn't breathe properly. Then I had class, got a bit sleepy...then I got hungry again so I bought a sandwich and wished I had just eaten that earlier instead of what I ate. Then I bought iced tea, but it tasted funny so I threw it because I was afraid of another stomach ache...I didn't go to school the day before because I rested from fever and stomachache. Then my day started getting a bit better, although I wasn't able to correctly guess Isabela's painting, but I had an interesting conversation with her. Oh yeah, Sam and I got an A in our research proposal, it was an A from Dr. Aguilar so that was special because I thought I would never get an A from him. Then I ran into Ate Myla who was so nice so it made me smile. These happened after I went to the chapel, although that was when my burping thing started. Then I picked up Ai from bel, hehe....Then the bonfire. Got stuck buying shirts so I wasn't able to get a spot in the Gesu then I was worrying about the shirts and my deal with buying them so I was distracted in the mass, started feeling bad again. Then Hans and Jen couldn't come. Wasn't able to get a seat. Then Kaye came. Started having a good time. made new friends while in long wait...super muddy..but cool because got to meet the players who were real nice although they weren't complete anymore. they were real nice and Chris Tiu remembered me. Jai was funny and cute. Nonoy was nice and seemed shy. Just had fun. It was cool. they were real nice. Ang sarap maging Atenista. then ducky adventure to go the wall. way home. laughing and talking. nice bonding with kaye. finally ate dinner after standing in line for i dnt knw how long then got home around 3. took a bath, ate then went to bed 4am. woke up almost 2..ate lunch then surfed the net, about to work but decided to write the draft of this blog..and here it is.

scrap the plans for doing polsci paper, haha...

left admu past 2. got home almost 3, bought food. slept 4am.



I'm Bored Today, What Can I Do?

A few more articles I found interesting...haha!

I skimmed through the article, I think I've experienced broken heart syndrome a few times, or I don't know, maybe it was something else...hehe...

Something I should keep in mind...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Supercharge Your Brain

I think it's cool. I'd keep this in mind. Not done reading the article yet, haha!

Ma Moments

It just hit me one day that my grandma is getting older and I should treasure my days with her. Here are a few "Ma Moments" that I want to remember. The first one actually inspired me to create a blog entry about the whole thing. These happened a few months ago so my memory might not actually be accurate but this is the general gist.

1. At the den after dinner, I go to my grandma to say good night and she goes, "Zy, you are scared of the goat? You don't like it? Febe said. Why?"

"I don't know, I just don't like it. It's scary..."

"No...Why?...I bought that..."
(She says while fixing the goat rug...hehe)

It was just a cute moment with my grandma. I found her interrogation cute.

2. I go inside my grandma's room to say good night (I think...but the point is I go to her room) She goes, "Zy, look at's nice noh?" She presses something so her toy starts singing and dancing. She smiles..."Nice right?"

"Yeah, it's nice ma..." I was cute...but what was priceless was the look on my grandma's face, she was smiling, all pleased and everything, it was nice.

3. This just happened last night, in Shang, after watching My Only U with my mom, Kei, and Cha. I walk outside the cinema with my grandma, I ask my mom, "Did ma watch the movie?"

Mom: Sometimes she sleeps...laughs...
Ma: No...

We continue walking and I just absorb the moment. I just watched a movie with my grandma, wow...I look at her and just smile...I love my grandma and it was nice spending time with her. I see her face relaxed and quite happy...we continue walking and I just stay by her side to assist her while walking. We talk a little on the way to the car.

Ma: I can't walk without an alalay anymore..holds my shoulder...
Me: At least you can still laughs...

That's all for now...I'll add more next time. Love you Ma! Thanks for my grandma Lord.

November 12, 2008

I was eating lunch with my grandma and cousin. I wasn't feeling very well, I had a bad dream and I felt bad before going to sleep, but then this happened and it kinda brightened up my day a bit, it made me smile at least...

I kept on eating getting rellenong bangus...

Ma: Zy, you finish that na...

(I make a funny face)

Me: No ma... Ate Nic laughs

(Ma points at the other fish, the fried catfish, with her fork)

Ma: Zy look oh, the fish is looking at you so that you will eat it...

Ate Nic and I laugh...I smile and I immediately think of adding this to my "Ma Moments"

Thanks for making me smile Ma...Thanks for my grandma Lord...

It was also funny when I got home for dinner...I went to the den to say hi to grandma but she was asleep so I just ate with Cha already...after a while my grandma comes out of the den and kinda says in a loud voice, "Zy, you eat but you don't say hi.."

I say, "Ma, you were sleeping...I went to you..."

Ma: Ah, I was sleeping ba?

Cha: Yeah, you were ma...she went to you but you were sleeping then you moved and she went back but you went to sleep again...

Ma: Ahh...

My grandma's cute...hehe...


August 17, 2009

We were having dinner at Kimpura (Me, Mom, Ma, Cha, Tito Tic, Tita Heidi, Juliane, Yaya, Fr. Albert) for Lolo's death anniversary. We were chatting while eating. I forgot how we got to the topic but Tita Heidi mentioned that her best friend, Tita Gina, was not in the Philippines anymore. Tita Gina has this excellent lomi place in Batangas.

Tita Heidi: Wala na nga po si Gina eh...

Ma: Yung lomi?! (with matching wide eyes)

Tita Heidi: Hindi po, si Gina lang po. Yung lomi, nandoon pa po.

Ma's reaction was real cute and she was so devastated that the lomi might not be there anymore. I kinda felt the same way but ma verbalized it and it was just cute. Cha and I, especially Cha, couldn't stop laughing.

It was a nice dinner..after an extremely stressful day.

I want to eat Tita Gina's lomi again... =p