Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Off Day

Played basketball today. I wasn't planning to but the internet was down and I was bored so I decided to shoot some hoops. I was off today. I didn't like my form or my shot. I twisted my ankle twice after attempting a shot. The first time it happened I thought it was just nothing, like I just made a mistake or something. I tried shooting again and it happened again, it hurt more this time. I had to go sit on the bench for a while. I don't know what it was, maybe it was my position or something. My ankle still hurts a little. But I still played after that and my shooting woes continued. I don't know if it was my jump or my release, it just didn't feel right. I was off.

Then Cha came and I told her I was off. I told her she might be able to beat my today. She asked if I wanted to play, I said okay. I was still doing pretty bad. There was a time that my right shoulder hurt, I think I overstretched it or something. But after a few movements here and there it was fine.

Cha led 6-9 at one point but I was able to catch up and eventually won. I think I would've felt real bad if I lost. I thought I was starting to warm up in the end but I missed a few open shots pretty bad. I was feeling better towards the end, more comfortable shooting at least. Then Cha and I did our usual ten shots. I missed my second and third shots or third and fourth, the point is I missed two. Then I made five straight so I was 6 out of 9. I think I put too much pressure on myself because I don't like making less than seven shots. I missed my last shot, it rolled out to the side. I felt pretty bad because seven shots is my minimum, or three misses. Anything lower than that I don't like. So I made 6 out of 10...pretty sucky...I thought it was worth sharing. Just an off day I guess.

** It was nice having Juliane watch and cheer on though, she was real cute **

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