Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ma Moments

It just hit me one day that my grandma is getting older and I should treasure my days with her. Here are a few "Ma Moments" that I want to remember. The first one actually inspired me to create a blog entry about the whole thing. These happened a few months ago so my memory might not actually be accurate but this is the general gist.

1. At the den after dinner, I go to my grandma to say good night and she goes, "Zy, you are scared of the goat? You don't like it? Febe said. Why?"

"I don't know, I just don't like it. It's scary..."

"No...Why?...I bought that..."
(She says while fixing the goat rug...hehe)

It was just a cute moment with my grandma. I found her interrogation cute.

2. I go inside my grandma's room to say good night (I think...but the point is I go to her room) She goes, "Zy, look at's nice noh?" She presses something so her toy starts singing and dancing. She smiles..."Nice right?"

"Yeah, it's nice ma..." I was cute...but what was priceless was the look on my grandma's face, she was smiling, all pleased and everything, it was nice.

3. This just happened last night, in Shang, after watching My Only U with my mom, Kei, and Cha. I walk outside the cinema with my grandma, I ask my mom, "Did ma watch the movie?"

Mom: Sometimes she sleeps...laughs...
Ma: No...

We continue walking and I just absorb the moment. I just watched a movie with my grandma, wow...I look at her and just smile...I love my grandma and it was nice spending time with her. I see her face relaxed and quite happy...we continue walking and I just stay by her side to assist her while walking. We talk a little on the way to the car.

Ma: I can't walk without an alalay anymore..holds my shoulder...
Me: At least you can still laughs...

That's all for now...I'll add more next time. Love you Ma! Thanks for my grandma Lord.

November 12, 2008

I was eating lunch with my grandma and cousin. I wasn't feeling very well, I had a bad dream and I felt bad before going to sleep, but then this happened and it kinda brightened up my day a bit, it made me smile at least...

I kept on eating getting rellenong bangus...

Ma: Zy, you finish that na...

(I make a funny face)

Me: No ma... Ate Nic laughs

(Ma points at the other fish, the fried catfish, with her fork)

Ma: Zy look oh, the fish is looking at you so that you will eat it...

Ate Nic and I laugh...I smile and I immediately think of adding this to my "Ma Moments"

Thanks for making me smile Ma...Thanks for my grandma Lord...

It was also funny when I got home for dinner...I went to the den to say hi to grandma but she was asleep so I just ate with Cha already...after a while my grandma comes out of the den and kinda says in a loud voice, "Zy, you eat but you don't say hi.."

I say, "Ma, you were sleeping...I went to you..."

Ma: Ah, I was sleeping ba?

Cha: Yeah, you were ma...she went to you but you were sleeping then you moved and she went back but you went to sleep again...

Ma: Ahh...

My grandma's cute...hehe...


August 17, 2009

We were having dinner at Kimpura (Me, Mom, Ma, Cha, Tito Tic, Tita Heidi, Juliane, Yaya, Fr. Albert) for Lolo's death anniversary. We were chatting while eating. I forgot how we got to the topic but Tita Heidi mentioned that her best friend, Tita Gina, was not in the Philippines anymore. Tita Gina has this excellent lomi place in Batangas.

Tita Heidi: Wala na nga po si Gina eh...

Ma: Yung lomi?! (with matching wide eyes)

Tita Heidi: Hindi po, si Gina lang po. Yung lomi, nandoon pa po.

Ma's reaction was real cute and she was so devastated that the lomi might not be there anymore. I kinda felt the same way but ma verbalized it and it was just cute. Cha and I, especially Cha, couldn't stop laughing.

It was a nice dinner..after an extremely stressful day.

I want to eat Tita Gina's lomi again... =p

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