Sunday, November 16, 2008

Late Blog

I had a bunch of things I wanted to blog about but either I was too tired or Cha needed Presario so by the time I could use it I was already's funny because now I can barely remember the things I wanted to say, it's real different I guess when you feel something at the spur of the moment. Well anyway, here's my best shot at it...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This day was a pretty bad day for least it started that way, I had a bad dream that day...I killed's weird but the dream wasn't really about killing the person, it was more of I know I killed someone, like I can remember killing someone and I was trying to cover it up by framing someone else but in the end I told my mom that I think I was the murderer, I told her I wasn't sure how it happened but I think I killed someone...I woke up feeling so bad and scared, it felt real...I even had to ask myself if it was just a dream, it was just a real bad feeling.

I tried shaking the feeling off by looking for something to watch on's one of the perks of having afternoon classes, hehe...I watched Like Mike on Star Movies, I've seen it before but it was just nice to see it again, I'm a basketball freak, what can I do? And it was feel good movie, which was what I needed after having that terrible dream. Then I ate with Ma and Ate Nic, I had another Ma Moment which I already added to my blog so that was nice made me feel better after having that bad dream...the dream really affected me...

I thought my day was starting to turn and all but then something kinda annoying happened. I was running out of load so I stopped by Ministop to buy a prepaid card, I loaded the card inside the cab so I was a bit distracted, I know I checked the meter and I was pretty sure it was reset to Php 30...I spent the cab ride daydreaming and getting lost in my thoughts...then to my surprise my cab fare was Php 140 something and I was just on the flyover by Katipunan...I was so surprised, before I paid I asked the driver if he reset the meter and I told him, "Kuya, ang bilis naman ng metro mo...never pa ako umabot ng Php 150, wala namang traffic..ang pinkamataas na bayad ko Php 120 na..."

My total cab fare was Php 157.50 including the plus Php 10...the driver told me to just give him Php 150...that whole incident put my day back to being bad...I mean, I just felt like it was not my day and it all started with that horrible dream.

I got a bit sleepy in my LS135 class but I did my best to participate and remain awake. Theo was interesting, no formal lesson yet just an overview, it was real interesting...I got excited to read our first handout (I read it already and it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be, it was kind of weird actually but it wasn't boring).

After Theo I decided to get my readings at the library and again it just reminded me that it wasn't my day...I stood in line for about an hour just photocopy my Hi16.7 readings. The nice thing was I ran into Ms. Thomas on my way to the reserve section. During my quiet time, I thought about dropping by her office and talking to her...I was having a hard time with something and I needed some help but I wasn't sure if I should open it up to her, I kinda took running into her as a sign. I mean I said if she was there at the office then maybe I should talk to her...I was still contemplating whether I should even drop by and then I ran into her and the words just came out. So after standing in line for an hour I dropped by her office, photocopying ate so much of my time so I decided to just put off telling her, but I let her know that there was something I wanted to talk to her about so we set an appointment either Thursday or Friday. I started feeling better after chatting with her. I was a bit upset that I didn't have more time to read my readings but I at least finished my reading for Philosophy.

Then I went off to my last class, Hi198.7, Ms. Garilao seemed cool although the class kind of intimidated me...I don't know why but I was just intimidated, maybe it was because she said that the class was the easiest one she was teaching this sem so I kinda felt like she was a tough teacher or something...well, let's just see...

The highlight of my day was meeting Kate...she's in my Hi198.7 class and she's my groupmate. After meeting she asked me if I went to St. Paul Pasig and I said yes then she suddenly said that she knew me, she was my classmate, she remembered my name. She has this gift for remembering people's names, we talked about St. Paul on our way out of class, she started mentioning names of other people in our batch and it brought back memories, mostly bad...hehe...but it was a pretty nice nostalgic moment.

Meeting Kate kinda cheered me up. Another thing that cheered me up was that Ms. Garilao said that we wouldn't finish the class late, like we'd be done before 9pm so I was happy because that meant that I didn't have to worry much about getting home in time for Smallville...hehe...Cha knew I was happy about it. My mom also said yes to BTV so that was nice (I just called today and they'll install the box on Wednesday...24/7 basketball, yey!)

Oh another thing that was nice about my day was seeing Sir Tirol while waiting for my first class, I was standing outside SOM 210 and he was over at the 3rd floor of CTC, he just finished his class and he saw me standing over in SOM, he waved, I thought it was a nice made me feel good, it was real nice to see him...I miss him and my classes with him...Sir Tirol's the best.

I had one of my weird moments while walking out of the lib in the dark...since my class finished early I had to wait for my ride so I decided to go to the lib first to get some reading done. When I came out of the lib, I felt something weird, like I was coming out of the lib and it was dark already, I felt like it was just another day at work and it just felt good to be a student. I mean life seemed simple, I just read, turn in papers, and take tests. Life won't be this simple anymore...I'll be graduating in March...I just smiled and tried to cherish the moment.

Monday, November 10, 2008 - Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First day of classes...I said I would blog about it but was too tired...

I don't remember much about my first day back in school but I know that I ran into a lot of people and it was nice seeing all of them..I ran into Melai, Lau, Gino, Martin...just to name a few...they were people I didn't really expect to run into so it was a nice surprise. Running into all those people was a good welcome back for me, it always brightens up my day when I run into friends. I also had that "it's my last semester" these were the striking parts of my first day in school.

A note on my second day, again I don't remember much but I felt good when Mr. Soh remembered felt nice and I was excited to be in his class, he seems real cool and I know he's good. His class seems fun and I feel and know that there is a lot I can learn in his class...I can't wait.

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