Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Late Blog

I'm not in working condition right now, I feel like my brain is covered in haze right now and I'm not in the mood to do anything else and I have to wait for 12:30am so I can take my antibiotic. The Nanny Diaries is on right now but I'd really rather blog and there are a lot of things I said I would blog about anyway...

Well since my brain is all hazy, I find it very difficult to recall anything that has happened the past days...all I remember are the highlights, at least those things that really struck me...

Friday, November 14, 2008

This was a good day for me mainly due to my talk with Ms.Thomas which made me feel better. I think I also got to finish my Theo reading this day, I'm not sure but I was starting my Hi16.7 reading. I also got to photocopy my Hi198.7 readings, there were no classes so there was no line, although I kinda had an adventure retrieving the stuff I was kinda my fault for leaving them too long...I left them with the photocopy lady and said I would come back for them. I wasn't expecting to talk with Ms.Thomas then but she texted that she was free so I went to her office and we talked for about two hours I think. I finally felt satisfied with the shirt I bought from the A-shop, I was supposed to exchange it but when I tried on the other shirt, I realized that my shirt fit me better so I just decided to keep it (I wore it today by the way)...

Oh, my morning was pretty good least part of it was, I called Adidas Rockwell and Gateway, I got a bit sad that I didn't receive their text about the arrival of the championship shirts, Rockwell didn't have XS anymore...I called Gateway and they still had XS so I had it reserved and said I would get it the following day. I told them to reserve blue and white for me so I can choose betweent the just felt like the things I was hoping and waiting for were falling into place so I felt good. I've been waiting for those shirts.

My day wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be workwise, but I had a good day nonetheless...I know I had a nice quiet time and then I had that nice chat with Ms. Thomas. Hans and I had a bit of fun playing with the E-strat software. LS136 was okay, it seems interesting, although I'm trying to shake off the pressure to do real good. It seems like an easy and interesting class so I don't wanna mess it up. Hans, Ai, and I had a pretty fun talk after class, mostly about business but it was fine. Then on the way to the CWL concert, I found Hans' and Ai's messages entertaining; I was fond of them so I saved them...Hans also said some real nice and sweet things...I'm glad to have those two as my friends.

I was real hungry so I "entertained" my mom and Cha at the concert, they could tell I was hungry...hehe...watching Jonathan Badon again was cool, he's still real good. I had a picture taken with him and I had my CD signed. I got two CDs this day, one from my mom and one from that was nice. I was feeling real good so I volunteered to be Cha's partner during the ballroom dancing, I couldn't dance the swing and she couldn't boogie...hehe...but it was entertaining, I rarely volunteer to dance...haha...

I don't know what was up with me, maybe it was just the good talk with Ms. Thomas but I was singing outside the clubhouse while listening to my ZEN, I just felt mom was hungry so we had a midnight snack in Tropical Hut. I wanted to blog when I got home but I was too tired.

Saturday, November 15, 2008 - Sunday, November 16, 2008

This was a pretty nice day for me. I woke up late and missed the Rockets-Spurs game because I had a doctor's appointment but it was a nice day. I got to go to my two doctors so that was an accomplishment for me. Then Cha and I went to Gateway to pick up my Adidas shirt. We ate in Taco Bell, had a little fight but was okay after a while. I enjoyed my quesadilla and the half-taco.

My favorite part of the day was finding my sheep planner. I was starting to get sad because I felt like I wasn't gonna get it anymore but then I saw it in Megamall. I was already making plans to visit a lot of malls just to look for it. I asked Cha if she wanted to watch Madagascar 2 in Glorietta that night so we can check the National Bookstore there. Then I was assigning her to check in both NBs in Greenhills. I was planning on walking to Podium from Megamall just to check the NB there and then I was already trying to think of when we could go to Galleria to check..but all of these weren't necessary because I found the planner in Megamall. We asked the saleslady if they still had the Hallmark planners and she said they should be by the counter...on my way to the counter, I saw a planner in the corner of my eye, I saw the one with the dog with green glasses, then I stuck my hand to the counter and grabbed two planners....I turned the around and it was the sheep planner!!! Two of them...Cha was on her way to the other counter and I ran to her, made a funny noise then showed her the planners...I felt like a kid, I was so happy...I'm not sure if I was jumping around..hehe...

I smiled and said "God loves me"...I was really starting to feel down. I was praying that I find the sheep planner...again it just felt like the things I hoped and waited for were falling into place, it was just a nice feeling...especially now that I've been feeling lonely every now and then.

Cha and I picked up her puzzle then after walking around the mall, we went to Church. Then we had dinner in Latizze where my cousin Nic worked. The food was good, I recommend the place...I was stuffed after dinner, which wasn't good because I felt like going to bed once I got home...hehe...I took my shower so that woke me up a bit and I got to read a few pages of my Hi16.7 reading before falling asleep. Cha woke me up when she went to the room but I was still sleepy...I finally got up around 12:30 to drink my antibiotic, ate cereal, helped Cha with her puzzle then resumed reading until about 2am. I finished until page 34 (I think) before deciding to sleep.


Was real sleepy when I woke up in the morning. I can't remember the first thing I did but I know I switched the channel to CS9 to catch my NBA for the day then my dad called and we agreed to meet in a while so I took a bath, ate lunch, continued reading while waiting for him...then Cha and I went with him to MOA to get my Zen checked and to get another copy of my receipt. I bought a meal in Subway, one of my fave places to eat, I stop by Subway whenever I have the chance to, I love their oatmeal cookies and I miss their subs. I wanted to be home before 2pm so that I could catch the UAAP-NCAA All-Star game but we stopped by S&R. We bought some stuff, toiletries mostly...I have two giant shampoos, dad pretty much gave me permission to get was his friend who paid...I didn't get too many things, just the things I needed and some things I liked like Hawaiian Punch...the bill was around 15k. Then he drove us home. I found out that it was okay that I didn't get home at 2pm because it was just the juniors' game. I read more Hi16.7 (mostly during commercial break) and watched the 3-point shootout, dunk contest, and a few seconds of the seniors' game. I had to go to Shang to get my picture taken for my Cha and I went, she put make-up on me and stuff. We dropped off something for my mom's friend in church before going home.

We ate dinner with mom and ma then I watched what was left of the seniors' game, UAAP won...yey! Mom and Cha watched with me and Ma dropped by too...she showed us some old pictures and I had another Ma Moment. After the game we went home. I took a shower, fixed my things...

Once I was in bed, I found myself not in the mood for anything else but writing so here I am...hehe...The Nanny Diaries just finished, I didn't pay much attention to the movie but it seemed nice. I saw a part of Premonition and got sad because Jim died, I thought he lived but then he didn't...I saw that movie in the cinema before, forgot the ending...but I was reminded today and it made me sad...hehe...

I'm blabbing too much already...guess I'll stop now...hehe...

(I still have to wait for 12:30....darn....The Holiday is next...I've seen it thrice already, I think)

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