Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I wasn't gonna blog tonight although I had a pretty nice day...

But I just really got pissed and I'm kinda angry right now...I just had to let it out somehow. I can't exactly scream because it's late and people are sleeping...I can't play basketball because I already took a shower and I'm in my pj's already...so I'll just write...

I'm not gonna say anything bad right now because I don't want to offend anyone and I know I'm just pissed off. I'm just pretty irritated right now. People just get annoying sometimes and I don't take that against them because we all get annoying and weird at times. I'm just real annoyed right now and I'm just trying to let it pass. I'm just real annoyed.

Trust...why is it so hard to trust again...should I blame myself or is my skepticism and doubt justified? I know there has to be a limit...but it's just hard to trust, especially when it comes to particular things...a part of me wants to apologize for my lack of trust, but a part of me feels like it is justified...I mean trust is hard to regain once someone breaks it right?

A part of me feels bad for being suspicious and I wish I can help it...but it's just hard...I hope it gets better...is it my fault?

*** Think this'll do for now...still not that okay, but I think it's time to occupy myself with other things...still have to work... ***

*** They say depression is repressed anger...they say your feelings will come out one way or another, if you try to bottle it up, it'll eventually explode...I learned these the hard way, so my resolution is to let it out...at least in that way, you control how it goes out...I think it's healthier. ***

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